Victor Galvan was born is Chihuahua, Mexico and raised in Denver, Colorado. For the past 15 years Victor has helped shape immigration policy in the state of Colorado that include ASSET, which provides instate tuition for undocumented students in Colorado, the expansion of the Colorado Road and Safety Act, giving more undocumented people access to licenses in Colorado and Virginia’s law which made it illegal for police to utilize ICE warrants to hold immigrants in custody for Immigration. Victor led the walk-outs in 2017 as the Trump administration tried and failed to end the DACA program, championed by thousands of brave undocumented youth from across the country and created through executive order under the Obama administration in 2012. He was recently hired as the Strategic Partnership Manager at Protégéte and will be building a strong networks and coalitions that will foster the development of Latinxs voices to bring diverse solutions to environmental justice and conservation movement.